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voice searches

Voice Searches: Latest Trends in Digital Marketing for Small Businesses

Technology is continuously changing, developing, and making life simpler for users, specifically when it comes to mobile phones, computers, and tablets. Voice search trends are on the rise as people want easier and faster ways to perform various functions such as searches, phone calls, text messages, and more. Why do people prefer voice searches instead Voice Searches: Latest Trends in Digital Marketing for Small Businesses

Google display network

Google Will Display Network Ads without Targeting Options – What This Means and How to Adjust Accordingly

Even though 2017 has just started, Google is already serving up a change that has the potential to surprise and throw off an unaware business’s display campaign. The change has to do with the way Google AdWords Display will deliver ads to audiences. Basically, any ad groups in a Display campaign will begin serving ads Google Will Display Network Ads without Targeting Options – What This Means and How to Adjust Accordingly

optimize bing search ads

How to Maximize Your ROI with Bing Ads

Most online advertisers tend to use Google AdWords for all of their search engine optimization (SEO) needs, which means they are often missing out on the manifold benefits of also employing Bing ads to their advantage. Optimizing Bing search ads in conjunction with your existing Google AdWords campaigns can help to improve your return on How to Maximize Your ROI with Bing Ads