SEO for Lawyers and Optimizing Law Firm Web Sites

Law firms are no different than restaurants, hotels, or stores in how they can reap enormous benefits from search engine optimization (SEO). As more and more potential clients turn to online sources to find their legal counsel, law firms need to follow suit and engage in SEO and web site optimization to stay competitive and make themselves known.

We, at Numero Uno Web Solutions, are experts in SEO for law firms. Search engine optimization for lawyers or optimizing a law firm’s web site isn’t something that can be swept under the rug. Even individual lawyers need SEO if they want to stand out from their colleagues and we can provide the necessary SEO services for lawyers and law firms alike.

What SEO Companies Can Offer Lawyers

For a law firm, SEO services can help identify and reach out to clients in an optimized and efficient manner while also making sure a proper user experience is provided to those on the web site. Generally speaking, promoting lawyer and attorney services with an SEO agency happens through three main methods:

Local Searches

While it is important to direct efforts towards optimizing for legal keywords like “divorce attorney” or “tax lawyer,” SEO experts know that these are too general and too highly competed to be a sole focus. Instead, local SEO for lawyers like “Ohio tax attorney” or “contract lawyers in Boston” is more beneficial. These are local searches that represent clients you can actually reach. Local keywords also act as a sort of filter, letting you focus only on those who have the potential to engage your services rather than anyone in the world who looks for “employment lawyer.” If you’re an independent attorney, it’s crucial that you have excellent SEO for your lawyer web site. SEO for lawyers can make the difference between a thriving career and a struggling one.

Content Production

When people go to a law firm’s web site, they may not initially intend to find an attorney. They may just be looking for information on certain legal matters or concepts. A law firm SEO expert will help you provide informational SEO content that not only informs readers but establishes your law firm as an authority, people are more likely to engage your services when the time comes. Additionally, Google and other search engines are fond of sites that provide regular content, so maintaining a steady pace of articles can help you there too. Since you are likely too busy to regularly write high-quality SEO articles (you have a law firm to run, after all), optimization companies are more than capable of doing it in your stead.

Web Site Optimization

All the SEO in the world won’t help your law firm if your web site is cumbersome, slow, and hard to navigate. Optimizing a law firm web site is a matter of making sure content is easily found and readable on a variety of different screen sizes and devices while also ensuring your site isn’t so slow that people will turn away before letting a page load. The easier your web site is to read, the better your law firm’s SEO is going to be.

Finding an Expert SEO Agency for Your Law Firm

In a way, finding a good SEO company for lawyers is a lot like finding an attorney. In both cases you want to find a firm that is local, knowledgeable in the field, who understands your situation or business, and has a proven track record of success.

Fortunately, Numero Uno Web Solutions is all of these things and more. We have improved the search profiles of local businesses and industries across Toronto, Richmond Hill, Vaughan, and more. Our success has even allowed us to extend our reach and offer SEO services to local businesses in Texas, Massachusetts, and Florida as well. If your law firm is struggling to get clicks, has low traffic, or simply wants to get evaluated and learn what it can do to improve SEO, get in touch so we can make your web site work for you. Numero Uno is just a call away: 1-855-SEO-XPRT.
