HomeOur BlogAdWords Price Extension: Improve the Performance of Your Product-Based Ads

AdWords Price Extension: Improve the Performance of Your Product-Based Ads

price extensions beta

Beta tests of Google AdWords price extensions in 2017 have shown a significant improvement in mobile and tablet click-through rates. Google rolled out this extension last year and businesses have already seen growth thanks to the feature. But what are AdWords price extensions? How are they increasing the rate of sales for brands? The new extension of AdWords offers advertisers the top spot to show pricing information for their products and services.

What Are AdWords Price Extensions?

AdWords price extensions on Google are the carousel boxes that appear on mobile and tablet devices that allow users to scroll left or right to see prices of various products and services and click on one to navigate to a particular item. The process is brilliant because it leads consumers directly to purchase a product of their interest, making the click-through process easier and more efficient for brands. Price extensions take up plenty of space on the mobile page, so it will already give you an advantage over your competitors.

How to Implement AdWords Price Extensions

There are some basic rules or guidelines to follow when implementing AdWords price extensions for your mobile marketing strategy. Advertisers should be aware of the following tips to get the most out of their Google AdWords price extensions.

  • Set up between three to eight different entries for your price extensions. According to Google, five is the magic number.
  • To use price extensions, you will need to have the top ad position.
  • Price extensions can be combined with all ad formats except for site links.
  • If you are selling a time-based service, such as a phone plan or a subscription, you can qualify the price with “per hour/day/week/month/year,” whichever applies.
  • All price extensions must be relevant to the keywords in your ad group.
  • There are 25 character limits on headers and descriptions.
  • Price qualifiers, such as “from,” “up to,” and “$20-$40,” are optional if you have a variety or range of prices to offer.

When used correctly, AdWords can help boost your quality score on Google; however, keep in mind that this feature is only available for mobile devices. Making sure your mobile site is fully operational and optimized can make this process a lot more user-friendly for your customers.

Benefits of Price Extensions: Why Should You Use Them?

Price extensions can provide you with a higher conversion rate with fewer clicks wasted. They allow your ad to cover a large portion of a mobile screen, and they provide more opportunities for sale by allowing customers to see related items, or an upgrade to what they were originally searching for. Weighing the benefits with the costs of your unique situation should be done before rushing to set up AdWords price extensions, but if you’re looking to get started, there are companies who can help you.

Numero Uno Web Solutions uses precise, studied methods and contact form optimization services. Our team members are skilled at improving your mobile marketing strategies, and our services include support for setting up AdWords price extensions. We have benefitted businesses in Toronto, Richmond Hill, Vaughan, and we have even extended our services to Texas, Massachusetts, and Florida. To learn more about our content marketing techniques and how we can help improve your search profile, call us at 1-(855) SEO-XPRT.

About Adrian Newman, BA

President, Numero Uno Web Solutions

Adrian has been in the performance marketing industry for over 25 years and is the co-founder of Numero Uno Web Solutions.

Adrian has been involved in virtually every facet of direct and digital marketing from copywriting and graphic design to database management and production.

A BA graduate of York University, Adrian has volunteered as a mentor with his alma mater's Career Mentorship Program for students with disabilities and has been a director for public real estate investment trust.
