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spammy link update

Google Fred Update: Impact and Recovery

An unconfirmed Google Update, dubbed “Fred” has been causing hysteria within the SEO community since early March. The update has been reported to cause ranking fluctuations and loss of site traffic by 50% to 90%. The title “Google Fred Update” came from a tongue-in-cheek response from Google’s Garry Illyes, which he tweeted to Barry Schwartz. Google Fred Update: Impact and Recovery

voice searches

Voice Searches: Latest Trends in Digital Marketing for Small Businesses

Technology is continuously changing, developing, and making life simpler for users, specifically when it comes to mobile phones, computers, and tablets. Voice search trends are on the rise as people want easier and faster ways to perform various functions such as searches, phone calls, text messages, and more. Why do people prefer voice searches instead Voice Searches: Latest Trends in Digital Marketing for Small Businesses